Monday 8 October 2012

Meaux and the Wonderful World of Euro Disney

God bless the creator of the nav sat direction system.
Looking at the Beautiful Meaux Cathedral from our hotel, across the river Seine

I'm sure it has saved many marriages!

It probably saved ours this day.

Driving a stick shift minivan through a medieval town, with sparse directions, across the biggest city in France (Paris) to another medieval town would be a challenge on any normal day. And a bicker-fest between the driver and navigator for sure! But thank goodness for Jill, the friendly English voice coming out of the navigational system that calmly guided us through all the obstacles and deposited us to our friends house in just the time it calculated for us. Best 20 Euro we spent the whole trip!

The last of the Chem trails over Meaux

Chem Trails

We are on our way to visit my childhood friend Erik and his lovely family. Erik, who was our next door neighbor and like a son to my parents, now lives in the little town of Meaux, on the outskirts of Paris, with his wife and two boys. It's been a decade since we've caught up in person, so it is long over due! (Do I even need to mention how excited Liam is to have some boys to play with!)

We have a wonderful afternoon and evening catching up on old times and new times, coming to grips with the loss of my parents and of course eating amazing food.

But one thing puzzled me. Above us in the lovely clear blue sky you can't help but notice a striking pattern forming from the air traffic above. It's the first I've heard about Chem Trails vs Con Trails. No one is quite sure what it is, whether it is some form of seeding for rain, or attempts to halt global warming, or possibly something more sinister. But it is certainly not the average airplane trails producing grids like this. I'd be interested to hear if anyone out there knows more about these Chem Trails?

The next day is the day the kids have been so excited about - Euro Disney! And it's made even more special by the fact that the Falvey family is going to join us! Yahoo!

What can you say? The happiest place on Earth - only we are in France. They've done a remarkably good job of recreating the original without completely copying it. The haunted mansion is the Phantom Manor and Sleeping Beauty's castle has a huge dragon underneath it. Oui! It was a wonderful day of sunshine, friends, princesses, roller coasters and crepes.

Juliet has adopted Erik and Muriel

Ahoy Matey

Thick as Thieves
Exhausted and happy we return to Erik and Muriel's house for dinner.

Just as we are parking our tire explodes. (Literally!)
Luckily we are with Friends. Muriel (god bless her) spends an hour on the phone wrangling with the rental car company, and when we do finally get someone out to fix the tire they discover the spare tire is flat as well! Figures. At least it's consistent. Another round of phone calls ensues. But Alas, the rental company cannot be stuffed finding us another car so they offer to pay for a shuttle into Paris the next day. It looks like our journey to Paris central tomorrow will be easier than planned. And everyone is looking forward to exploring this next amazing city - and last European city - of our trip....

Crashed out on the couch

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