Monday 4 February 2013


"If you follow your bliss, you put yourself on a track, that has been there all the while, waiting for you, and the life you ought to be living is the one you are living." Joseph Campbell

The place of the humdrum, routines, laundry and the longing to be off traveling again.

But then comes the flip side, the after-effect of so much traveling through foreign lands and cultural experiences. Suddenly your old home town is seen through the eyes refreshed. The old landscape a joy to see and old routine suddenly a happy responsibility.

How can you assimilate the things learned along the journey if you don't have this downtime to pause, reflect, and enjoy the moments already there for us?
For isn't that the one thing that we all do when we are completely caught up in the race of life? We leave our bodies to carry on with the mundane tasks of life, while the brain seeks stimulation elsewhere. For me it's traveling and learning and experiencing, for others it is in global politics, and even more common it's in tv shows and video games.

None of those things are in themselves bad, in fact the majority are very good. But the key is very much to keep those fly away moments in perspective with the amazing gift we have each and every day. In the back yard, the new shoot of a tomato plant. A car that has been cleaned and shines. A school report that is finished with pride. Or the friend that is there with a smile and a wave.

If you only ever learn, you never have the chance to apply, and therefore grow.

I know that I will travel again, and hopefully soon! But for the moment I plan to do a little growing. And for me, that is something that must be done while staying in one place.

Namaste ~

The beach that I live on. Free to walk on everyday. Life is good.

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