Friday 2 August 2013

Learning the Lessons of Technology

We've just returned from time away. America! Land of technology and commerce. Where time is money and connections mean the world.

So imagine the shock and surprise to find myself at a huge family reunion and be completely "off the grid". No phone. No internet. No Facebook. No TV. Not even a computer with which to write my stories onto.

I must admit that I found it a bit unsetting at first.   

At first I had a sense of unease about "falling behind" and not being able to connect with people. It took a few days before I was able to relax and get into the swing of things. Something that the kids were able to do with much more ease than I was, by the way. 

Isn't that opposite of the usual Hollywood cliche? Bored new age kids feeling disdain for the common joys previously associated with childhood. Not here. The kids were immediately switched on to the outdoor activities available. Making friends and connecting with family. Learning to skip stones in the river and roast 's'mores over the camp fire. 

And here was me the first few days feeling petulant about the disconnect, "Oh that's a great photo.... but what's the point, it will take me, like, forever to get it uploaded on Facebook".... 

Luckily it was only a day or so before I was able to follow suit with the kids and share in the simple joys that come from being unplugged. Back when life was simple and people were not accessible 24/7. It was a big family reunion and it has been many a moon since I just sat and relaxed with all my cousins and extended family. Letting the immediate and unconditional acceptance wash over me. And the fun of "winging it" came crashing back.

Without the distractions of all our "helpful" technology it was so much easier to concentrate on a conversation or to watch a dragonfly buzz along the river. 

Good times, peaceful times. Something that I highly recommend we all try once in a while. Just getting away from it all and switching on the senses, instead of the apps. 

But in the days since being "back in touch" it has also made me think and reassess my relationship with the big, fast world that we are heading into at breakneck speeds. And, no, I am not advocating the standard anti-technology line of: "chuck it all, we were better off without it." 

I really don't think so. 

It's in the moderation of it all that the real secret lies. 

The world is a much smaller, and larger, place than the simple days of my youth. I don't live just across town from the relies anymore. We are spread out over continents and even hemispheres these days. Things like email and Facebook allow us to still be connected and in touch on a daily basis so that when we do all get together and switch off our devices we are not strangers. We still have that common thread that allows us to pick up from the last time our flesh was face to face. 

But point is, to have a happy medium. Do keep in touch with all the modern marvels that we have today. But please, please, please feel the luxury once in a while in switching off so that you can appreciate what you do have in life. Create the space for you to breath in both worlds.

True balance is beauty.

Namaste my friends.


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