Sunday 13 April 2014

A New Adventure Begins....

And the Travelin' Family are off again. 

We have had an opportunity to do something extraordinary. 

It's something that we've been talking about for years, but up until now we would get to the point of going - and then hesitate, until it was too late. This year we started up the pattern again, excitement, hesitation, excitement, hesitation.... And then one morning, with three weeks until the the trip, we both woke up and said, let's just do it. 

Nepal. The Himalaya Mountains. Tea House Trekking and working in remote Nepali villages improving schools. It's an absolute dream trip for us. I mean top ten bucket list!

But I have to say it's not my normal style to be this last minute. Remember, I'm the over the top planner. "Drill Sergeant Douglas" who has an excel spread sheet to keep everything organized and planned ahead of time. Am I able to let go of my controlling ways and attempt a trip like this?  I must say that I am finding it quite hard to let go of the planning of this trip, even though the people we are going with do this for a living and are super experienced. Heck, we will be traveling with a Kiwi/Nepali family (she's Pakeha and he is Nepali and their two children). So why do I find myself googling, and double checking each part of the itinerary? I guess it is a lesson to learn about myself. It's part of my journey to learn to let go. Maybe the rarefied air in Nepali will help me with this. 

So, we leave soon, all I have to do it pack and sort the visa photos. 

Stay tuned for adventure updates!

When you look like your visa pictures it's time to come home!

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