Tuesday 22 May 2012

Endings and New Beginings

Last days on the Brilliance of the Seas....

It's been a great cruise. We've seen some amazing places. And done it with ease as far as traveling with small kids goes. Thank you Royal Caribbean Cruise line for an outstanding job.

It's been a good place for me to heal and get some time to myself. With the loss in my life so far this year (Dad, Mom, Aunt Susan, the family house!) I've needed that space to regroup. It feels a little bit like someone hit the delete button in my life and and left me with a giant hole. I know that these are events are the normal part of getting older, but it just seems like so much at once....

The final day on the ship was the talent show at the kids club. Liam did a hulu hoop show with a few other boys, being his usual show off self. Liana created a clay figure for a lady in the audience, which was very well done. Juliet with the cutest dancing thing you've ever seen. And Clara convinced Randall to be her back up guitarist so she could sing her favorite James Blunt song. What a great way to end this leg of the trip.

And now it's time for Italy!


1 comment:

  1. Hey Martin - what a trip you've had so far!! We look forward to seeing you all in Meaux this weekend :)
